Sunday, March 30, 2014

printer update

I found out that my printer wasn't spoilt.

I bought a few packets of 4x6" paper and in my eagerness to scrap/print, I took them out of their packages and the side started to curl. That curled up portion caused the misalignment once they were off the rollers and on the print-bed. nonetheless, I've resolved that. *phew* saved me a trip to the service center.

I also discovered that the printer works best with HP paper and not Canon. Even though I've straightened my Canon paper, I suspect the thickness isn't right and misalignment still occurs, although lesser.

One major overlook mistake I made was, I forgot to ask if my printer does BORDERLESS printing. it was such a major mistake that I almost took it back to return, except that they probably won't refund since I've already started using it.

All my printout has at least a 3mm margin which I would have to cut and mount onto a photo-mat if I were to keep the 4x6" size. This is quite a PAIN. Lots of trimming.

So, eventually now, I've taken to formatting my photos on MS Word so that I can print the exact size. I can squeeze 3 3x4" onto 1 a4 paper.

I use photoscape to help in editing. It was a recommended software and it is really quite good. In the editor mode, it has got pre-defined cropped sizes and a button for quick-save. Fuss-free, idiot-proof. Once I insert the image to MS Word, it is very easy to resize (accurately). The photo tools in MSWord isn't too friendly

My printer works fine with a4 paper. All in all, this additional editing takes up a bit more time (in the edit phase) but much lesser time in the scrapping phase and it makes pretty pictures. I'm happy to do the additional steps.

But people, please ask for BORDERLESS printing! *slaps forehead*

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