Ok.. I'm getting a bit addicted to challenges. It gives me a structure to plan my layout. Mixed media can be so limitless that I get a little lost. So, I was actually eagerly waiting for November to come so that I can see what is the new challenge :)
There is it.
Scrap Around the World November challenge

When I saw the header "The most wonderful time of the year", immediately I thought about birthdays. You see, my 3 girls' birthday are all in November. all 3 of them within 10 days apart of each other. Some call it "good planning", I call it 'stress'. November has become a busy time for me as I start preparing for their birthdays and buying presents for them.
To add a little more to the 'history' of the layout, my hubby once again commented that I scrap single photos.
What's a better opportunity to do a multiple photo layout than this challenge? It's almost brainless!
I took their individual photos with their cakes from last year :)
The main colours of the challenge is white, light blue with a pop of red. I tried my best to keep to that :)
The "birthday wishes" chipboard were from an Etsy Store "jittobearco". The long flower chipboard is from 2crafy.
I sprayed some blue on the background, before placing my doilies. A large 1 and 2-halves of a small doily. I painted white + iridescent medium on the flower chipboard to give it shine, before dabbing modeling paste on it for relief. Then I painted it white again.
I also dripped white paint on the top & bottom. I was imagining icicles (from snow) but it also looks like cream from their birthday cakes! :)
Light blue buntings & cord for the celebratory mood and some embellishments.
I really had fun doing this.
I love my kids and each of them are so different. They are the reason why I scrap.
Some closeup below.
Please feel free to leave me some comments for improvement!
Have a great November :)